Some of my favorite designs from through my over 20 years web designing. original site may look similar to the current site, but was on a less current/customizable wordpress theme.
Revamped 2021 was a tribute to my band which was disbanded that had some cool Dhtml effect menus and flash video. Mostly built in Dreamweaver.
Merged & Revamped 11/2021 was a website done for a good freind who had some great art he did and made it available on stickers and shirts.
Offline / Archived Here
In 2010 the band reformed with a new guitarist. A new was created for the current lineup. The prior mentioned 2007 site about the band’s history was moved but stayed online.
Merged & Revamped 11/2021
In 2016 a new was created for the a new current lineup and album release. And because the prior used WordPress theme was no longer supported.
Merged & Revamped 11/2021 is a more corporate services site due for a final revamp as a portfolio site of past web-design work. It is being replaced by the site you are viewing Ghastly Wicked Wed & Grafix Studio.
Retired / Archived Here
Sample website showcasing a full service veterinary hospital website. Showcasing simple site including rotating slider, pet adoptions page, blog and more.
Offline / Archived Here 2011 took a more professional look featuring new branding, and social media features Also showcasing several certifications I had earned in social media, graphics, and web design.
Revamped 2016 / Archived Here
Sample website showcasing a full service lawyer website. Showcased a functional online appointment scheduler, map and more.
Offline / Archived Here
Sample website showcasing a full service doctor’s / medical website. Showcased a functional online appointment scheduler, interactive blog, and more.
Offline / Archived Here