Ghastly Wicked Character Design & More! 

The Conception Of The Undead Angels

Originally my goal was to do some badass, dark, and spooky themed t-shirts which evolved into the creation of a brand of undead comic type characters with backstories, and mystical powers!

It started with a couple manga/anime style zombie and and vampire characters working with another artist under my direction. I loved the characters so much, it evolved into enough characters to release the 2014 Undead Angels Calendar of zombie girls catered to the holidays/events of each month. From there the Live Undead Angels spawned from fans of the characters modeling/portraying the characters for a proposed 2015 live version calendar of the same characters from the 2014 calendar. 

 The Evolution Of The Undead Angels

From there the Undead Angels characters evolved to a more realistic version of 3D modeled characters done all “in-house” that I can repose and render for multiple versions of the same character for different projects and hopefully eventually some form of comic story.

Undead Angels Characters

Since the evolved format, The Undead Angels Universe has grown to over 70 character and counting!

The Undead Angels Band

The central characters to the story is The Undead Angels Band, and rival band Last Breath!

 The Expansion Of The Undead Angels Universe

Using the same 3D style as The Undead Angels, I have expanded the “undead universe” with Ghastly Wicked Tales based on undead versions of known Fairy Tales, Classic Monsters, a concert series of characters, and real people based comic characters! 

Want To Be Involved In Our Character Design or Brand?

Want To Become A Comic/Fantasy Character?

Using a mix of art and technology, I’ll turn you into character for personalized shirts, posters, or whatever you want. If it’s a cool enough character maybe I even also let you in my “comic universe”.

Want To Model/Portray Our Characters?

If you are a fan of my characters and want t0 “cosplay” one to be on shirts, our website and more let us know! If you like our style and have a original character idea to collab on, let my know that too!

To see the most current collection of all these character visit Vlads Undead Angels & Ghastly Wicked Tales Website.